Turkish TV suggests the inadequacy of Islamist complaints:
"I've recently reached my limit for complaints from Islamists about how Westerners are corrupting their countries. I'm tired of hearing that Americans in particular are shipping in pornographic and erotic materials that undermine a Quranic worldview."
"Such statements are bad theology and inaccurate sociology. While spending a month in Turkey in 2004 I saw made-in-Istanbul television shows showing as much skin as the products of Hollywood. A newspaper rack on the street in the conservative southern Turkish city of Mardin displayed both hardcore Islamic papers and Turkish-published pornography. No American soldiers were forcing Turkish men to peruse the porn. Sin comes from within."
"democracy in action—companies use commercials that are the most effective in selling products. Some Muslims hate political democracy and its economic variant as well, believing that they should patronize only candidates and products pre-approved by mullahs. Perhaps if they have many choices, including some viewed as immoral, they won't be able to convince themselves so easily of their own righteousness."
WORLD Magazine | Weekly News, Christian Views
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