This site is designed to provide information and news that will aid you as you pray for the growing Church of Turkey.
The BCC is an effort of several Great Commission Christians to put the
Turkish New Testament and basic Bible study resources into the hands of anyone who wants them, free ofcharge. The BCC runs ads in major national newspapers, sponsors free concerts, participates in municipal book fairs, maintains a resource-filled website, and lets good old-fashioned word-of-mouth do what it does best. When someone contacts the BCC-as 35,000 people have over the last three years-they receive an NT in their heart language and a basic study helping to introduce the significance of Jesus' life and death and why God desires relationship with us beyond just religious observances. Further studies and Turkish worship resources are sent on request.
Today marks the beginning of a new Church in Istanbul, Turkey. Umut Kilisesi will have its first meeting today. The goal is to start a new church based off of small groups meeting around the city, which will eventually become multiple churches. Pray for the first small group as it meets today. Also, pray that new seekers would be drawn to this work.
Aden is an art studio/cultural center/idea hub that reaches out to people of all walks of life from the center of Istanbul.
We use the artistic gifts the Lord has given to reach people with the good news. The people of this country love performances of almost any kind. Many national believers are interested in learning more about the arts in order to use them to proclaim His truth. One young woman is attending our visual arts workshop in order to improve her skills in order to paint quality pictures that make others ask questions about God and her beliefs. One congregation in the city wishes to learn how they can incorporate the arts in their services using them as new ways to worship God and encourage one another. Another group of national believers have taken skits with a Christian message, and spent their vacation traveling and performing in many homes.
The Lord has also allowed us to use our training to meet and reach out to a unique group of people that often segregate themselves. They are all gifted, often unique and at times eccentric. They are artists. We have been working with several professional artists who are believers, as well as expanding our relations with those who don't know the Truth. We have several projects planned which will bring believers and nonbelievers together while providing opportunities for spiritual conversation.
Please lift up the national believers who are striving to worship the Lord and reach out to their communities. Pray for the artists in the professional circles, as they strive to make the Lord a part of every project they undertake, may they shine forth to their colleges and may Truth be found in their works that are seen by large audiences. Also pray for the events that are approaching, that the Lord would be working in hearts and lives now and that He would use those events for His glory, perhaps adding a few new members to the family!