Oct 10 is our first BCC gathering event in Istanbul. Over the past 2 years nearly 3800 people have contacted the Bible Correspondence Course and have entered into a dialogue about Christ. Over the next 3 weeks our team and several other Turkish and foreigner partners will be inviting all 3800 to attend meetings where they can hear a clear presentation of the gospel and interact with genuine Turkish Christians.
Please pray this coming week for all the mailed letter invitations to be received.
Pray on Oct 1, 3&4 as we will call all the numbers we have and personally invite them.
Pray as we send a cell phone SMS to all the cell numbers we have on Oct 10 reminding folks to come to one of the meeting locations.
Acts 2:41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them.
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