Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Volunteers Attacked Outside of a Church

A local church in a modern neighborhood of Istanbul was doing a week-long outreach in their area and it had been going very well. About 18,000 calendars had been distributed with an invitation to attend events at the local church, with only a few minor incidents with people angry with them for what they were doing. This took a turn for the worse on Saturday when two of the volunteers who were in town to help with the event we're leaving the Church when they were attacked by some thugs.

The thugs had obviously seen the fliers and come to lay in wait for someone to come out of the Church. One of the volunteers received a cut on the nose and the other got bruises on his head, wrist and forearm. The police arrived quickly and protected the volunteers from further abuse while escorting them back to the Church. Because of this incident, one of the Church leaders asked the police to provide police protection, which they did at the next event. The volunteers chose not to press charges.

Pray for the fruit from this outreach and others that will be held in the future. It is obvious the enemy is not happy with the new ground being broken in his territory.

Click below to read more about the area this happened in:


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